Monday, September 16, 2019

1 Timothy 5

"If a widow has family members to take care of her, let them learn that religion begins at their own doorstep and that they should pay back with gratitude some of what they have received. This pleases God immensely." 1 Timothy 5:4 The Message

 In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus had some pretty harsh words for people who didn't take care of their parents, but instead gave their money to the church. "Making void the word of God for the sake of your tradition." Mark 7:9 KJV

This seems to be the same sentiment offered by Paul here in Timothy. Charity begins at home.

The concept at first sounds pretty simple, but it has far-reaching implications, for us as individuals, for churches, communities, and even entire nations.

Do you give money to the church for evangelism, or spend what you have first on taking care of your immediate family, then the needs of your local community? I would say do both, but if you commit to evangelism while neglecting your own family and your local community, God isn't pleased.

As a nation, do we invest in the poor and homeless we have within our borders, or those seeking to enter? This has been a huge debate lately, and as with evangelism, one should try to do both, but the Bible is clear the priority needs to be one's own community.

I would like to take care of the world, but for me as an individual, that isn't realistic. The imperative to take care of one's own family and community first is actually something of a relief. If I have done my best for those closest to me, God finds that to be enough. For someone who is always struggling with feelings of inadequacy, and overwhelmed with the problems in the world, it brings a great sense of peace.

Brighten the corner where you are.

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